Agios Kirykos, or just Agios as the locals shorten it, is the island’s capital, containing most public services, schools and the hospital. It’s one of the two main ports. It’s home to 2,955 inhabitants (2011 census). All the villages of the island form the municipality of Ikaria.
Agios Kirykos, located on the upper third of the south coast, was formed in the 16th or 17th century. Its patron saint is Saint Kirykos and its big, blue-domed church stands just above the harbour. On the breakwater harbour wall stands a modernist metal statue depicting Icarus with his wings, the Ikariada.
A folklore museum was created recently. The islanders donated its exhibits which show everyday life, relics of wars and events from ancient times until now. A jewel for the city is an archaeological museum, housed in a former high school building.
Houses stand close to each other, according to the traditional island architecture, with tall windows framed in blue or red. An adornment are neoclassical buildings.
The town structure is dense, amphitheatrical, with narrow cobbled alleys. In the portside village square lies a marble monument to Ikarian heroes, with a fountain at its base. Surrounded by shops, taverns, coffee shops and bars the paved square attracts many visitors.