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Ikaria Anama honey is included in P.D.O. - P.G.I.

Ikaria honey, also known as Anamma or anamatomelo honey, is one of the three products that will now belong to the category of Products of Protected Designation of Origin - Protected Geographical Indication (PDO-PGI). These products are included in the relevant registration file prepared by the Directorate of Rural Development of the North Aegean Region.

Its production began centuries ago. It differs from the other varieties of honey in Greece, as it is thick and produced from heather. Heather is a shrub with many flowers, from which honey is produced. Its color is dark and its taste is intense. It is rich in nutritional value and contains a large amount of pollen. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent properties. Production takes place during the autumn months. This particular shrub is very important because it allows the renewal of the bee.

The wild nature of the island is favorable for other varieties such as thyme and pine honey.

It is worth noting that the other two products included in the registration dossier are Sardine Kalloni and Melichloro Cheese of Lemnos.

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